Hi Low Casino Game
Live Dealer Hi Lo casino game- A simple game with easy strategy to apply for wins
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Hi-Lo games are card games that are available at online casinos to enjoy. The way most online casinos’ Hi-Lo games work is simplicity itself. Wager up and a virtual card is “drawn” from a standard playing deck of 52. Guess whether the next card is higher or lower and perhaps even more payouts are possible when correctly prognosticating the color or suit of the given draw as well. There are many Hi Lo games like Rally Hi Lo, Hi Lo 3 Card Pro, 5 hand Hi Lo 3 hand Hi Lo and many more.
As said above Hi-Lo is probably the simplest of all card games. In its most basic form, the dealer will deal the player(s) a card face up. The player will choose whether the next card is higher or lower. If he is correct than he wins, if not than he loses. In some games you can also pick whether the next card is the same. In case of the same card (when not picked), some games will give it to the house whereas some other it’s a push (no winner). It’s very simple in its presentation but highly addictive.
How to Bet in Hi Lo game?
Betting for Hi-Lo can get somewhat creative but because of its simplicity there is only so much you can do before it gets somewhat redundant. Besides betting on whether the card is higher or lower, the player has an option to bet whether the next card is red or black and/or the suit. Decreasing the odds from almost 50/50 with this type of play increases your chances for a larger return. Unlike craps which offers plenty of strategy, betting options and various odds, Hi-Lo has only so much to offer.
Rules and Strategy to play this live game
Rules for Hi-Lo differ with the types of games and for the most part the only rules that sometimes make a difference to the player are the amount of decks used. The odds change as well but this more has to do what the house is willing to offer.
In the case of a 52 card deck, the player has a fairly good chance of “counting cards” as their strategy will be to determine what cards have already been shown and what haven’t. This enables the player to determine the best guess for a higher or lower card, its suite or color. Not exactly how they use it in other games such as Blackjack, but no doubt this is an acceptable strategy against the always winning casinos. “Card Counting” is a strategy in cards games more specific blackjack, where a player tries to gain an advantage over the house to increase his odds of winning. In this particular strategy cards between 2 through 7 are given a +1. 8, 9 and Ace are all given a 0. The 10, Jack, Queen and King are assigned a -2. Obviously with only one 52 card deck, the strategy is easier. That is why in most casinos Blackjack is played with more than one deck and the games that do offer only one deck have worse odds.
Although the game is quite simple when you play just the basic Hi-Lo system and as stated above there are many ways to add features, create bonuses, change odds and other ways to make you spend your money. Remember the more bets you make through the course of one game, the more the odds are against you.
For example in the 5H Hilo 1-100 game the player is dealt 5 cards in a row. The player can choose which card he wants to bet against and whether the next card is higher or lower. On the face of it, it seems as though your odds are improved because you have 5 options. Unfortunately the odds are a bit lower than playing with just one card, and most people assuming its much easier play more than one hand. As I said the more hands you play the more your odds decrease.
In Hi Lo Game Show the player is allowed to bet whether the next card is higher or lower as well as choosing the color suite as well as spades, diamonds, hearts clubs and any combination of these. The players can always bet and extra $1 for the Bonus Bet. Unfortunately he must first get all five guesses correct and then the 5 cards must have something from a pair to the Royal Flush. Bets such as these are always considered a sucker bet and most seasoned gamblers will tell you to stay away from these bets.
The casinos are there to make money and although it seems different, they will do anything to make you think the odds are increasing when they are actually doing the opposite. So always stick to your bank roll when playing any game.
Hi Lo at Live casino
Hi-Lo is a very recent addition to Playtech’s live games suite. Same way as other Hi Lo games here too you are guessing whether the next card drawn by the dealer (the result card), is higher, lower or the same (snap) than the card currently displayed on the table (the base card). Ace is highest, 2 is lowest. If you pick incorrectly, you forfeit your bet stake. If you pick correctly, you win a house calculated payout.
Suppose the base card is the Queen. The result card will be the 4th card drawn (first 3 are burn cards). The result card then becomes the base card for the next round. The live dealer Hi Lo might be new at live casinos but it has simple and easy rules to follow. Therefore, even new players have the same chances as experienced players when it comes to winning.

The objective of the game is to correctly predict the next card the dealer will draw, in comparison to the card on the table. The fact that live dealer Hi Lo is played against real dealers makes it easier for new players since everything occurs in real time. The game can be played any time of the day, giving players a great opportunity of understanding the game and even win great cash rewards. Live dealer Hi Lo is powered by Playtech software.
How to play live dealer Hi Lo
Live dealer Hi Lo is probably the simplest card game you will ever come across.
High Five Casino Problems
Live dealer Hi Lo begins with the live dealer showing the three base cards and you are given the option to switch the cards. Players are then required to place wager on the circle located on the table layout. Players are given a few seconds to decide the optimal bets on the value of the next card. Once you are through, hit the “deal” button.
Hi Low Casino Game Online
There are two main buttons, the Hi and the Lo button .You should click on the Hi card if you think the next card that will be dealt will be higher than the base card. The Lo or low button should be clicked if you thing that the next card will be lower than the already dealt card.
That is basically the whole game play of live dealer Hi Lo. If you predict correctly, you are granted a payout. If you predict wrongly, you lose the wager and you have to start again.

If the next card being dealt is similar to the previous card, you lose. It is important to note that only 100% correct predictions will give you a payout.
There are a number of positions to expect. Players will decide how high the risks can get, at the same time have the option of pressing the “SKIP” button and wait for the next round.
When the “No more bets” button lights up, you will have to wait for the game’s outcome and collect all your profits or partial amount of your profits and leave some for the next wager.
The card ranks and Live dealer Hi Lo Payouts
In live dealer Hi Lo, the card ranks in the usual manner except for the aces that are lowest. The rankings start from the lowest as follows: Ace, two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, J, Q, and K.
Payouts for live dealer Hi or Lo bets are calculated based on the value of the previous card. The payout will then be displayed on the screen against the betting options. For instance, if the previous card is a 3, then the odds for a higher card is low and that of lower card will be high.Besides that, the game also features additional bets, making it even more attractive to live dealer casino players.
In addition to the Hi/Lo/Snap bets, you may also bet whether the result card will be:
- Ace: payout 11.56 x bet amount
- Ace or King: payout 5.78 x bet amount
- Black: payout 1.92 x bet amount
- Red: payout 1.92 x bet amount
- 2, 3, 4 or 5: payout 2.89 x bet amount
- 6, 7, 8 or 9: payout 2.89 x bet amount
- J, Q, K or A: payout 2.89 x bet amount
Snap offers the highest payout at 12.06 times your bet amount.
Payouts for the Hi (Higher) or Lo (Lower) bets are house calculated based on the value of the base card, and displayed against the respective bet options.
Indeed the long-term expected return to the player is 96.45% thanks to Playtech for now publishing return to player rates on their live games.
Playing Live Dealer Hi Lo is fun
Like in every live casino game there is lots of fun and thrill to play, sameway with this Hi Lo game streamed live to you on your PC, tablets or smartphones. You will hear the shuffling of cards and you are guaranteed that the outcomes of the games are not generated by computer. You will be able to see the results of the games just like how it is done in a land-based casino.
The game also allows players to interact and chat with the dealers as well as with other players. With the live staff, players can feel comfortable playing with real human beings.
Live dealer Hi Lo also allows you to select the live dealers you would like to manage the game. You can practically pick out a person that impresses you to be in charge of your game. In between this real game show the live dealers also offer tips and strategies to players which is beneficial to new players who are shy from the game rules and want to understand the game. Click here to play Hi Lo at Live Casinos of your choice.

On This Page
High Low is a game found at various Internet casino. It goes by different names. For example, BetSoft calls it Draw Hi-Lo. This version addresses the game by iSoftBet. They can't seem to agree on its name either, referring to it as High Low, Casino High Low, and Las Vegas High Low. Since 'casino' is too general and I've never seen the game in Las Vegas, I'm going to call it just 'High Low.'
Whatever you call it, it is a simple game where the player bets whether the next card in the deck will be higher or lower than the current card. The odds are roughly commensurate with the probability of winning.
- I do not know the number of decks used, however it doesn't make a difference mathematically, if you ignore ties.
- Cards are ranked as in poker, except aces are always low.
- The player is given a random card. As long as it is a 2 to queen, the player will be given the choice to bet whether the next card will be higher or lower.
- If the player is correct, then he will be paid according to the pay table below. In the event of a tie, the bet shall push (contrary to what the table felt says). In the event the player guesses incorrectly, then he will lose.
- Except for the first decision, the player may quit at any time and collect his winnings to that point.
Following is the pay table. All wins are expressed on a 'for one' basis.
High Low Pay Table
Card | Low Pays | High Pays |
2 | 10.7 | 1.1 |
3 | 5.3 | 1.1 |
4 | 3.5 | 1.1 |
5 | 2.6 | 1.3 |
6 | 2.1 | 1.5 |
7 | 1.87 | 1.87 |
8 | 1.5 | 2.1 |
9 | 1.3 | 2.6 |
10 | 1.1 | 3.5 |
J | 1.1 | 5.3 |
Q | 1.1 | 10.7 |
Here is the optimal strategy for High Low for the non-card counter:
- 2, 3, 10: High
- 4, J, Q: Low
- 5 - 9: House edge same either way
The following table shows the house edge of both the low and high option for all ranks for the non-card-counter.
Higher Analysis
Card | House Edge Low | House Edge High |
2 | 10.20% | -0.78% |
3 | 10.98% | 7.84% |
4 | 11.76% | 16.47% |
5 | 12.55% | 12.55% |
6 | 11.76% | 11.76% |
7 | 6.12% | 6.12% |
8 | 11.76% | 11.76% |
9 | 12.55% | 12.55% |
10 | 16.47% | 11.76% |
J | 7.84% | 10.98% |
Q | -0.78% | 10.20% |

You saw it right that the house edge is negative for above a 2 and below a queen. That means the player has a 0.78% advantage. Unfortunately, the player must always play the first card, good or bad.
If you must play, I would suggest following the strategy above on the first card. Play on if the next card is a 2 or queen, otherwise collect and start over.
Similar Games
- High Low by BetFair
- Draw Hi Lo by BetSoft
- Hi Lo by Playtech.
Written by:Michael Shackleford